KRIS INDAHL (she/her)

Kris Indahl (she/her)
Founder, ECO Faculty
Professional Background:
I coach leaders to be the very best, most authentic versions of themselves. My work centers around building strong self-awareness and critical insights that empower my clients to think and act differently, so they achieve what they most want for themselves and their organizations. When I’m not coaching leaders, I use my background in HR, OD, Facilitation and Coach Training to create transformational learning experiences for groups and teams.
Why I Am Part of CCO:
I believe we all do better when we all do better, and that’s really the essence of the mission of the CCO. I’m all in when I’m in line with an organization’s mission, especially when it comes with getting to collaborate with amazing colleagues.
If We Meet You Should Ask Me About:
My experiences with dog fostering, my most recent cooking successes, and favorite national parks I’ve visited – and tell me where to go next!
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